The hospitality makes you feel the four seasons.
坪庭 (Tsuboniwa)” is a small garden that can be enjoyed in the house. It spread with development of the tea ceremony. The host and guests alike enjoy all four seasons in a small garden. In addition to the spirit of hospitality, “Tsuboniwa” have also played an important role in the lighting and ventilation of densely built houses in Japan.
“玄関 (genkan)” is originally a Zen word in Buddhism. The entrance is the first place to welcome guests, and it is an important place as the face of the house in Japan. “Tsuboniwa” of the entrance welcome guests with seasonal plants.
The Japanese soak in the bath not only to clean but also to relax. Have you ever heard of “露天風呂 (Roten-buro)”? Japanese enjoy bathing in outdoor hot springs. “Tsuboniwa” is attached to the bathroom to recreate the atmosphere of an open-air bath.
The display space for hospitality in Japanese room.
In a Japanese house, the guests are welcomed at Japanese reception room. work of art and seasons flowers are displayed on the “床の間 (Tokonoma)” to entertain guests.
This space also serves as a small museum that lets you feel the seasons in your home.
Japanese houses have special room for guests and special occasions. This special room is called “客間 (Kyakuma)”. By decorating the alcove in the special room, the host serve the guests with humility, and express Hospitality.
Since ancient times, “屏風 (Byoubu)” have been used as windbreaks and partitions. What's more, Japanese paintings were drawn on these, and they have come to be prized as works of art. “Byoubu” are placed in special room or at the entrance, and entertain guests.
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